Fashion & Lifestyle

Woman loses 18 kgs without dieting, shares 5 ‘underrated’ tips to reduce waist size


This woman went from 85 kgs to 58 kgs without strict dieting. Here is her 10-step method to reduce extra fat.

Weight loss story of Jasmine (Jasmine/Instagram)
Weight loss story of Jasmine (Jasmine/Instagram)

Food, exercise, routine – is that all for weight loss? These all make up for healthy weight loss practices. One requires a lot of dedication and consistency to be able to achieve the set goal. every weight loss journey is unique and different. The story glory is also different. For Jasmine, it was one yoga class with a friend and few exercises that changed her lifestyle for the better. Jasmine is a Nutritionist who has reduced from 85 kgs to 58 kgs. after joining her yoga classes in order to lose weight, he curiosity piqued in the world of nutrition. Todays she is a certified coach who shared dietary tips and tricks for weight loss.

In one of her posts, she shared few lifestyle habits that helped her lose 18 kgs of weight.

5 Weight Loss Tips to Reduce Waist Size

Reducing extra kilos aids in a better fitness level. It burns calories reducing the unhealthy fat deposition. In one of her posts, Jasmine shared few lifestyle tips for weight loss.

  1. Not going fancy: These days whatever we see on social media we try to copy it and very first example is what I eat in a day I know well this is something not gonna work for me because my taste , preferences , lifestyle is totally different .
  2. Setting realistic goals: I didn’t aim to lose 10 kgs a month where most of the people out there have unrealistic goals it’s gonna disappoint and nothing else so better set realistic goals
  3. Stick to basics: I usually eat what’s cooked at home and make those meals balanced to eliminate the fatigue of making separate meals which saves lots of time
  4. No liquid calories: No cold drinks, frappes , thick shakes
  5. I didn’t eliminate any food group: You will see people eliminating carbs and fats thinking it will make you gain weight, but the fact is it’s about eating little less then your body require but it doesn’t mean you will eat anything. It’s supposed to be Balance and nutritious meal plan

One must remember that every meal plan does not work for everyone. Different body respond differently to diet and workout. It is always better to consult a professional who can help in curating a tailor made weight loss routine that suits the individual.

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