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Woman reduces 85 kgs, shares 8 lifestyle tips with emphasis on drinking…


This woman took years for accomplishing this incredible weight loss transformation. She shared how basic lifestyle changes can go a long way.

Weight loss story: Woman reduces 85 kgs, shares 8 lifestyle tips with emphasis on drinking...

The unhealthy fat accumulation comes in between the everyday life. It poses not only challenges physically but affects the mental health too. A certified nutritionist, Pranjal Pandey shares her first hand account on social media regularly. She weighed 150 kgs, reduced some and then gained again and finally today is fit at 68 kgs. Her Instagram account is a place where she documents her weight loss journeys that is filled with setbacks and triumphs equally. ” first became aware that I needed to do something about my weight during 2020 lockdown. Weighed 130 kg then and lost about 20 kgs doing cardio but gained all of it back + more. Almost gave up then. But started again in 2022 and have steadily lost weight and gained so much knowledge in the process! I won’t say I know all there is to be known about fitness but pretty damn close . Now it has become a lifestyle bc you can loose weight through a diet but cannot maintain it if you do not change your lifestyle, (sic)” a caption one of her post reads.

How to Reduce Weight With Lifestyle Changes?

Pandey shared eight of her “non-negotiable” everyday habits that worked for her.

  1. Warm water with lemon juice: This homemade drink or acv every morning on an empty stomach. Prevents bloating and supports liver health.
  2. Fibre before every meal: Eating fibre, for eg a salad coats your stomach so the meal doesn’t raise your insulin levels dramatically.
  3. Eating fruit bowl: This isn’t necessarily for everyone but me having PCOS benefit from this. Eg: eating apple w almond butter, berries w Greek yogurt.
  4.  Hydration: Drinking 4 litres of water daily. Did you know, urine helps in expelling fat from your body.
  5. Everyday walk: Walking for at least 10 minutes after every meal. If I cannot walk, doing 10-15 squats also works.
  6. Dinner time: Having my last meal at least 2-3 hours before bed.
  7. Prioritising protein in every meal: Eating protein is really filling and doesn’t leave space for snacking, something I personally struggle with.
  8.  Daily movement: Be it the gym, Pilates, Walk, Run. Moving your body everyday feels really refreshing.

One must remember that individuals’ have different weight loss journeys. They have their own triumphs and setbacks. Not every diet and workout is for everyone. Bodies react differently. Therefore, it is always considered better to embark on this routine with a professional guidance.

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