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Woman who lost 1.5 kgs in a week shares best exercise routine for fat loss


Reducing the unhealthy body fat is essential to lower risk of health complications. A woman shares her weight loss exercise routine that helped her reduce fat.

Weight loss story: Woman who lost 1.5 kgs in a week shares best exercise routine for fat loss

Exercise is essential not just for weight loss but also for maintaining the overall health. Are you too struggling with the stubborn fat that is sitting in you body rent free? Regular physical activity can help in enhancing the metabolism and burn calories faster. Bulbull Thakker, a fitness blogger on Instagram keeps on sharonmg and documenting her weight loss and the workout routines that have worked best for her. The knowledge of these regimes and diet plans are consumed by over 223K followers.

Exercise Routine For Reducing Fat

In one of her recent posts, Bulbull shared an easy and simple workout routine to reduce fat and build muscles. Muscle build up is important as a part of weight loss.

  • Tempo squats: Hold it for a 3 secs pause mid way while going down. Then 2 secs pause at bottom. And finally, 3 secs while coming up.
  • Pulse lunge: Go slow and pulse bow at bottom.
  • Hollow hold until you can: Lie on the yoga mat and then raise your head and legs in the air while keeping your hands straight. “This burns. I can hold up to 32 seconds,” she added.
  • Push ups: Go for knee push ups if you’re a beginner
  • Shoulder Taps: Make it slow and controlled

In one of her earlier posts, the fitness blogger shared how she managed to reduce 1.5 kgs in over one week of time. Exercise helps her attain her goal. In the post she mentioned that she used to do 4 round, 12-15 repetitions of  each exercise and 30 seconds of rest.

  • Reverse grip front raise squat
  • Lateral squat press
  • Hammer curl to press
  • Glute bridge pull over
  • Chest press to Narrow press

These exercises target different body parts. Regular workout session helps in strengthening the body, improving flexibility, building endurance and burning calories.

In separate posts she has talked about adding 10K steps in her routine.

These workouts and dietary practises helped the blogger to get a toned physique and also reduce weight. However, it is important to note that varied bodies have varied requirements and may response differently to routines. While dedication and consistency is the key, taking professionally guidance can help better chart out course of action.

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